ALS Support & Bereavement Groups

Led by professionals, Support Groups provide opportunities for group members to share their personal experiences and to learn more about living with ALS. Participants learn that they are not alone nor without help or hope. Support Group meetings are free and open to all people living with ALS and their caregivers. Support Groups sometimes feature speakers on relevant topics and are designed to share information as well as strategies for preserving the independence and quality of life of both people living with ALS and their caregivers.

General Groups

Central Illinois

Second Thursday | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 868 5803 0348

Staff Contact: Kellie - 


Third Saturday | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 879 7771 9066

Staff Contact: Snovea - 

Northern Illinois

Fourth Tuesday | 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 870 6658 0775

Staff Contact: Peggy -

Northwest Suburbs

Second Saturday | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 869 1953 0252

Staff Contact: Peggy -

Southwest Suburbs

First Wednesday | 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 827 4919 0912

Staff Contact: Gema -

Specialized Groups

Always Loved & Supported Bereavement Support Group

Third Wednesday | 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 84935752336

Staff Contact: Brianna - 

Familial ALS Positive Support Group

Second Monday | 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 869 5361 8760

Staff Contact: Sue -

Spanish Language Support Group

Fourth Saturday | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 841 5208 6553

Staff Contact: Alex -

Together is Better Caregiver Support Group

Second Wednesday | 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Video Call-In:

Call-In: 312.626.6799, Meeting ID: 831 3445 5094

Staff Contact: Kellie -

Grupo de apoyo virtual en Espanol:

Cada cuarto sábado del mes. Horario: 10:30-12:00

Unirse con audio y vídeo desde una computadora, tableta o teléfono:

Para unirse a este grupo por teléfono con audio solamente: 312.626.6799, ID para la reunión : 841 5208 6553 

Preguntas? Alex -

ALS United Support Groups

As a proud member of ALS United, we're excited to provide you with a range of support groups from all over the U.S.

To view all the support groups available to you, click HERE!

Upcoming Meetings

We found that the ALS United Greater Chicago Support Groups helped us find a better path forward. We can lean on others for support and get information on the latest treatment alternatives. 

Most importantly the support groups let us know that we are not alone.  Others are in the same boat we are, it is comforting to see and share with others." 

Jim (ALS Caregiver) &

Charles (Individual Living with ALS)

It has been said, “If your head isn’t up to the job your legs better be." With ALS it is the opposite. Join ALS United Greater Chicago's support groups and they will help with both the psychological side as well as the physical side of ALS. Staff and support groups are a resource and an essential part of guiding and assisting us in our journey through the effects of ALS. 


Individual Living with ALS

If you have been affected by ALS, I invite you to attend ALS United Greater Chicago's sponsored support groups. Gather around the circle to learn, share, uplift, and be rejuvenated. We don’t have all the answers, but we have the resources to help each other on this journey. 


Individual Living with ALS