Create an ALS Fundraiser

DIY Events & Tribute Funds raise awareness and funds to support ALS United Greater Chicago's mission and we are so grateful and inspired by the creativity and passion our DIY Event Hosts and Tribute Fund Creators.

DIY United Logo

Do-It-Yourself Fundraising

Do-It-Yourself or "DIY" fundraisers let you use your diverse talents to support our common cause. DIY fundraisers are hosted by passionate families, groups, or individuals who are acting independently of ALS United Greater Chicago. ALS United provides the tools, and the DIY part lets you hold your fundraiser when and where you like, based on your interests, schedule, and budget!

Steps to get started:
  1. Updated Toolkit Coming Soon!
  2. Contact us: call 312-932-0000 or email We can help you get your event on our website, spread the word through social media, and answer any questions you might have.
  3. Create your online fundraiser webpage. Create a fundraising webpage to create a goal, collect online donations, and send to potential participants and donors.
  4. Get to planning! Use the instructions in the toolkit to prepare your logistics, invite participants and donors, and spread the word about your fundraiser.

Tribute Event

Formerly known as "Community of Hope", a Tribute Fund is a special way to recognize a loved one while raising critical dollars in the fight against ALS. Each Tribute Fund has its own webpage to honor or memorialize someone with personal stories and photos. A Tribute Fund is a great way to celebrate weddings, birthdays, or any life milestones while simultaneously helping those who are living with ALS. 

Click HERE to start your page!